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Bio Farma Admits There is a Possible Booster Vaccine Option, Minimum for Healthcare

Jakarta -

The surge in COVID-19 cases currently occurring in Indonesia has put health services at risk of collapse. The hospital's capacity is almost full, it is difficult to find oxygen, and the number of health workers who die while on duty.

This condition makes many parties hope that the government will provide a booster vaccine or a third dose of vaccine, with the hope that health workers can be protected from COVID-19 more fully. In response to this, the President Director of Bio Farma Honesti Basyir acknowledged that there is an option for the booster vaccine.

"Regarding the third booster vaccine, we have indeed started talks with the government, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), and several professional organizations," Honesti said in a joint meeting at Commission VI DPR RI Wednesday (7/7/2021).

However, this has not been decided considering the vaccination stages 1 and 2 which have not yet reached the desired target. For this reason, Honesti said that the booster vaccine option is not certain when it will run.

"Yes, let's talk about vaccination 3, vaccinations 1 and 2 are still not enough," he continued.

Honesti continued, even if a booster vaccination will be given later, the health workers will be a priority. This is because health workers are playing an important role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

"So at the same time we have started discussing, at least for the protection of health workers first. But, the results will certainly be conveyed by the relevant authorities when it has been decided," he concluded.

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